UX Research, Product Designer, Visual Designer,
4 Weeks
Figma, Adobe Illustrator, After Effects
Jingjing Wu
PUZ is a motivating system that combines innovative Reminder, Routine, and Reward factors. Designed to help people persevere with tasks that are hard to persist on a repeating basis. The PUZ community encourages users motivating each other, and working together to accomplish their goals with counted check in and visualised instant reward system. 
There are moments, especially at the beginning of a year, you feel like you need to make a new year resolution, so you don't feel like you wasted another meaningless period of time again before Christmas came. But how many times you believed that meeting your resolution is within reach? PUZ is the solution to help you build your habits, stay productive and ultimately reach your goals. In order to make sure we are not biased, we conducted 4 different research methodologies to collect data. 
As preliminary research, we started from using online survey to gain an insight at a larger scale into how our users think and feel. The survey questioned people's attitudes toward habit forming, if they ever failed at building a habit or if they think it's hard to persist on a habit. 
Survey results revealed that our assumption about most participants found habit forming is hard is correct, but we have another 2 assumptions that came out unexpected: 
1. we assumed that habit forming goal at least needs 50 days to be considered as achieved, while participants answers varied from 21 days to more than 100 days. 
2. we received some inspiring answers toward the type of habit people want to form, for example: Religious Activity,  Emotional Health, Becoming more interactive in front of friends and family, Sleep and Water Intake. 
Empathy Map
Based on survey results and Empathy Map I would like to introduce you our potential users: Lauren, Nicole and Hengbo. 
Competitive Analysis
Competitive Audit Goal: To find out where our product stands in the habit forming product market, and to learn from both the good and bad part from competitors.
Insight: None of them provided an engaging habit forming/tracking community based on interests where people can supervise and encourage each other. Our product can provide a method for users to track their progress, and at the same time offer a platform for users to find their similar interest group, so they can keep an eye on each other, and make progress together.
With HMW question, the business goals derived from competitive analysis, and user goals summarised from persona and empathy map in mind, we continued on building up the structure of PUZ using the application map. It helps us to visualise relationship between contents and the overall hierarchy. 

Application Map

We iterated a few versions on the main user flow of what a basic start to finish journey looks like with find a group, start checking in, complete the task and check out. We were then able to decide on necessary steps and contents, and examine the user experience in details. 

User Flow

Based on the application map and the main user flow, we started to cooperate remotely online using Miro and FigJam to draw out preliminary visual wireframe flows. We devoted a lot of time into this step to make sure we have implemented all of our business and user goals before moving onto the visuals. 

Low-Fidelity Wireframe

After creating our low fidelity prototype, we conducted usability tests with 3 different people who were selected based on our personas. We gathered enough feedbacks for our next set of design iterations:
-The social aspect of this app doesn't feel strong
-There is no option of just following other people's habit, to just take a look at of what they are up to
-Check in page with hundreds of puzzles can be overwhelming and confusing in terms of user flow
-There are a lot to be filled in the Post screen, and this could be terrifying! Users would potentially quit at this step
With these feedbacks in mind, we re-looked at all the screens, and now let me walk you through our final product :)
The whole journey starts from finding the habit that you would like to develop on for a period of time. If you have something in mind, that's great! Simply search for your interested group, and if not, browse to explore what might interest you! 
If nothing interests you, don't worry! Create your own group that suit your needs! But we highly recommend you join a group to feel the whole process and flow prior to managing one. 
Let's take a look at the Watercolour practice group from the Creativity category. Not ready to join the 50 days' challenge? Don't worry, follow the group first. Or become the last member right away by just tapping the Join button, and start collect your habit puzzle with the group today! 
After joining the group,  move around to see the puzzle pieces, and start collecting your day 1 puzzle by checking in right away! You can catch up with your group members who might started earlier and hit the finish line together!
Post your thoughts/creations/mood or anything you want to share to activities completes your check in today! Congratulations for successfully starting your habit building process! 
Always remember you are not alone on this! Stay in touch with your group mates, and don't forget to checkout the group Checklist to see any additional requirements from your group creator! For example, meeting every Friday night at 8:00 PM on PUZ is required! 
Click on other user's avatar brings you to their profile, and feel free to follow any users that interests you to see what groups they have joined, and what fantastic things they have shared! 
Shout out to my team mate Jingjing! We are very proud of the outcome, but PUZ is way far from finished. With a broad problem in hand, we went a long way to narrow down the challenge using various design methods. Though I still find it hard for me to make design decisions, I learnt the value of collaboration and iteration, and with these 2 ideas in mind, I'm looking forward to more product design challenges in the future! 

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